Resize borderless window - resize a window without a border 重设没有边界的窗口的大小。
Show borders for borderless elements 为无边框元素显示边框
Show borders for borderless element 显示无框线项目的边框
Creates a borderless division on the form that serves as a container for other controls 在窗体上创建无边框间隔区域,用作其他控件的容器。
In the new information age , enormous volume of personal data are collected , processed and used in the borderless cyber world 在这个新资讯年代,无边无际的网上世界可大量收集,处理和使用个人资料。
With the importance of km being realized , companies are viewing km as a critical success factor in today ' s dynamic borderless society 尤其在这样一个没有边界的动态社会里,众多的公司都将知识管理作为其关键成功因素加以应用,其重要性不言而喻。
Composites can have borders and be easily distinguished visually or can be borderless and seamlessly integrate into even larger groups 复合控件可以是有边界的,并且这些边界很容易在视觉上产生混淆,或者它们也可以是无边界的,无缝集成到更大的组中。
She went on thinking this , answering vaguely , languishing affectionately , and altogether drifting , until she was on a borderless sea of speculation 她继续这么想着,含糊地回答着,情意绵绵地痛苦着,总的来说她在犹豫不决,陷入了无边无际的臆测之海。
If the only element in a borderless table cell was a non - breaking space tag nbsp ; in a table with a specified background color , frontpage editor would strip out the 一个有背景颜色的表格中,如果无边界的单元格中的唯一元素是不可中断空格标记“ nbsp ; ” , frontpage编辑器会删除这个空格。
Mr tang hoped that now with this conference hosted here , the global network and co - operation could be further enhanced with a view to stamping out this type of borderless evil crime 邓竟成希望藉著今次在港举行的研讨会,使国际间的网络及合作能够进一步加强,从而消灭此类无地域界限的邪恶罪行。