beggar n. 1.乞丐,叫化子;穷人。 2.募捐者。 3.〔俚语〕家伙〔对人的爱称、戏称〕。 a good beggar善于募捐;会讨东西。 Beggars must not be choosers. 饥者难择食。 die a beggar 穷死困死。 nice little beggars 可爱的小家伙〔指幼儿、幼小动物说〕。 poor beggar ! 可怜可怜! vt. 1.使做乞丐,使变穷。 2.使…无用,难以…。 Her beauty beggars description. 她的美貌非笔墨所能形容。 I'll be beggared if ... 〔口语〕决不会;如果…,让我变叫化子好了〔赌咒口吻〕。 n. -liness 贫穷,卑贱;卑劣;贫弱。 adj. -ly 1. 乞丐似的,赤贫的;下贱的,卑劣的。 2. 很少的,起码的 (a few beggarly dollars 很少几元钱。 a beggarly amount of learning 学识浅陋)。
In a word , they all laid down their arms , and begg d their lives ; and i sent the man that had parley d with them , and two more , who bound them all ; and then my great army of 50 men , which particularly with those three , were all but eight , came up and seiz d upon them all , and upon their boat , only that i kept my self and one more out of sight , for reasons of state 我们下一步工作就是把那凿破的小船修好,并设法把大船夺回来。而船长这时也有时间与他们谈判了。他向他们讲了一番大道理,指出他们对待他的态度如何恶劣,他们的居心如何邪恶,并告诉他们,他们的所作所为,最后一定给自己带来不幸和灾难,甚至会把他们送上绞刑架。