By practical experimellt , it gets the conclusion that it is feasible and reliable to distinguish data semaneme of database by artificial intel1igence and database method ; for complicated ics , the performance ofmultistage fsea is bcher than fsea 通过分析实验结果,得出如下结论:采用人工智能与数据库相结合的方法判别数据库的数据语义是可行的、可靠的;对于较复杂的内部控制制度,多级分层模糊综合评审法比模糊综合评审法具有更好的性能。
In order to guide and encourage the medium and small enterprises " technical innovation , the government has taken many measures in the fields of legislation , organization structure , finance , taxation and technology etc , to create a bcher eaternal environment for the technical n innovation of the medium and small enterprises . this greatly enhanced the extent and quality of the medium and small enterprises " technical innovation , its successful experience is worthy of being carefully inquired into and its lessons taken stock of 为了引导和鼓励中小企业的技术创新,从立法、组织机构、财政、金融、税收、技术支援等方面,采取了一系列的政策措施,为中小企业的技术创新提供了良好的外部环境,极大地提高了中小企业的技术创新能力和水平,其成功经验值得我们认真研究与借鉴。