The payload of a ballistic missile is its warhead . 一枚弹道导弹的有效载荷是它的弹头。
Rockets are important as thrust units for ballistic missiles . 火箭作为弹道导弹的推力装置很重要。
This azimuth motion is known as the ballistic deflection error . 这种绕方位轴的运动称为冲击偏差。
The russians first fielded an intercontinental ballistic missile . 俄国人首先发射了洲际弹道导弹。
Special adaptations are represented by the ballistic devices of the autochors . 特殊适应是以自播植物的弹射为代表的。
Both countries used modified ballistic missiles to achieve their successes . 这两个国家都是利用改型的弹道导弹取得成功的。
The damping derivatives can only be determined experimentally in the wind tunnel or ballistic range . 阻尼导数只能用风洞或弹道试验来确定。
For all practical purposes a ballistic missile such as atlas is guided to its target . 根据各种实用目的,可使象“阿特拉斯”这样的弹道导弹导向其目标。
In contrast to the aerodynamic winged vehicle, a true ballistic missile is controlled for only a few minutes at the start of its flight . 与空气动力有翼导弹大不相同,一枚真正的弹道导弹只在起飞的几分钟内受人们控制。
All the rockets ever assembledthe fireworks skyrocket, the ballistic missile, the big research rocket, the newest space rockethave one thing in common . 过去制成的所有火箭,不论是花炮,弹道导弹,巨大的科研火箭,还是最新的宇宙火箭,它们都有一个共同点。