At the sometime , a set of backpressure turbine generator of 15mw with the inlet steam pressure of 110kg cm 的抽凝式汽轮发电机组,一台
The turbine backpressure is measured by the pressure transmitters ind25 . gcw . 00 pt400 on the main steam duct 汽机背压由主蒸汽管道上的压力变送器ind25 . gcw . 00pt400测量。
Check module construction shall include built - in limit stops to prevent disc wear due to backpressure 止回阀模块结构应该包括内置止动限止器,防止由于反压力造成阀瓣磨损。
Reduced pressure zone assembly shall be installed at each potential health hazard location to prevent backsiphonage and / or backpressure backflow 在每个具有潜在健康危害,需要防止反虹吸和/或反压力回流的地方应该安装一个减压区总成。