

  • babu = baboo.



  • 例句与用法
  • Study on in vitro percutaneous adsorption of huayu babu sticking plaster
  • English task - based teaching of the seventh grade of rural areas in babu district
  • Harms of biologic invasion to farming and proposed countermeasures in babu district
  • Mr . babu is currently working as a software engineer , with responsibility for embedded software design
    目前mr . babu是负责软体工程的工作,从事embedded software方面的设计。
  • Babu sundaram has been actively involved with grid computing research since the early days of globus toolkit
    Babu sundaram从globus toolkit早期就开始积极地参与网格计算的研究工作。
  • Babu fictions , his study of contemporary indian english fiction , was published in 2001 . khair won the all india poetry competition
    是德里大学扎其胡珊学院英文系副教授,爱荷华大学文学创作名誉学人( 2002 )
  • Unable to resist the persuasion of mathur babu , sri ramakrishna at last entered the temple service , on condition that hriday should be asked to assist him
  • Although ascenvision is smaller , it is more focused , concentrating on the development of networking equipment and software . mr . babu believes that ascenvision has a bright future ahead of it , while he himself was interested in moving into r d work ; he was therefore delighted to accept ascenvision s invitation to join the company
    相较之下,亚盛科技虽然规模较小,是一家以网路相关设备及软体为主要产品,专精于网路设计的公司, mr . babu十分看好亚盛科技的前景,并且希望将来能从软体设计,再朝研发工作发展,所以接受该公司的邀约。
  • Before starting work at ascenvision , mr . babu had worked at a large company in the hsinchu science - based industrial park for a period of one year . this company , which mr . babu joined on a friend s recommendation , produced a wide range of products , and had a large workforce ; mr . babu was mainly involved in voip voice over internet protocol product development and testing
    在工作环境方面,到亚盛科技股份有限公司工作之前, mr . babu曾经由来台工作的印度朋友介绍,进入新竹科学园区中较具规模产品种类和员工数都较多的另一家企业工作一年,主要作的是voip的开发测试。
  • 英文解释
  • used as a Hindi courtesy title; equivalent to English `Mr''

  • 其他语种释义
  • babuとは意味:{名} : 英国{えいこく}かぶれのインド人、インド人書記 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 【発音】bα':bu:、【分節】ba?bu
  • 推荐英语阅读
babu的中文翻译,babu是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译babu,babu的中文意思,babu的中文babu in Chinesebabu的中文babu怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
