Yet the good ship ploughed straight on , unretarded by wind or wave , towards the straits of bab - el - mandeb . what was phileas fogg doing all this time 但是,尽管是狂风怒吼,海浪滔天,这艘轮船在强大的机器推动下,却仍然毫不含糊地向曼德海峡驶去。
The following night they passed through the strait of bab - el - mandeb , which means in arabic the bridge of tears , and the next day they put in at steamer point , north - west of aden harbour , to take in coal 这个名字,阿拉伯文的意思是“流泪之门” 。第二天是14号,蒙古号停泊在亚丁湾西北的汽船岬,因为要在那里加煤。