He put out his hand and took his sister's awkwardly . 他伸出手笨拙地握住姐姐的手。 My legs strained awkwardly . 我的两腿僵硬,行动不便。 She came into the house awkwardly defiant . 她进屋时的神态,显得既尴尬,又很不服气。 "come in," she invited, turning awkwardly on her side . “进来罢,”她困苦地转过身来招呼道。 He was too shy to apologise and looked at philip awkwardly . 他不好意思极了,甚至张不开口道歉,只是为难地望着菲利浦。 He grew awkwardly into a tall, strange, dreamy boy . 他在这种难堪的环境中渐渐长大,长成了一个高个子,脾气古怪,神情恍惚的小伙子。 He walked awkwardly and gingerly around outside his hut without the crutches . 他没有拄双拐,笨拙地、小心翼翼地在木屋外面走了一圈。 He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone . 他显然十分紧张,局促不安地站在话筒前有好几分钟。 She moved awkwardly as a colt moves, but with that same grace as of a young animal . 她走起路来象小马般不大自然,但同时也象小动物那么姿态优美。 She moved awkwardly as a colt moves, but with that same grace as of a young animal . 她走起路来象小马般不大自然,但有时也象小动物那么姿态优美。
in an awkward manner; "he bent awkwardly" in an awkward manner; "he bent awkwardly"
awkwardlyとは意味 :{副} : ぎこちなく、ぶざまに、不器用に、気まずく、怪しい手つきで、不自然に、変に、おかしく、不適切に、きまり悪そうに、しどろもどろに◆【結び付く動詞】said, smiled, moved, spelled, asked On the keyboard, the Backslash is awkwardly situated beneath the enter key. バックスラッシュがエン...