cause to become awake or conscious; "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"; "Please wake me at 6 AM." 同义词:awaken, wake, waken, rouse, wake up,
cause to be alert and energetic; "Coffee and tea stimulate me"; "This herbal infusion doesn''t stimulate" 同义词:stimulate, brace, energize, energise, perk up,
stimulate sexually; "This movie usually arouses the male audience" 同义词:sex, excite, turn on, wind up,
to begin moving, "As the thunder started the sleeping children began to stir" 同义词:stir,
arouseとは意味:arouse v. かき立てる; 目覚めさせる; 奮起させる; 刺激する; …の性欲を高める; 激昂させる. 【副詞1】 ◆He is easily aroused. たやすくやる気になる男だ; すぐに性的に興奮する Care will be necessary, since such changes can easily arouse suspicion . 注意を払わなくてはなりません, こ...