10 permit aqa to provide copies of the final assessment report to anab , iatf , aaqg , or faa , as appropriate 在适当的情况下,允许aqa将最终的审核报告复印件提交给anab , iatf , aaqg或者faa 。
2 notify the applicant of any complaints received by aqa relating to the applicant ' s products , processes and services 当aqa接到任何有关组织产品、过程和服务的投诉时,及时通知贵组织。
2 the surveillance total fee per time should be paid to aqa at least 10 days before the surveillance on - site audit 每次的监督审核总费用,申请组织应在实施现场监督审核至少10天前支付给aqa 。
2 notify aqa of any changes relating to the legal , commercial , organizational status , or ownership of the applicant 当组织在机构调整、所有者变更,或者有其他的法律及商业变化时,必须及时通知aqa
2 the surveillance total fee per times should be paid to aqa at least within one week before the surveillance on - site audit 每次的监督审核费总计,由申请组织至少在实施监督现场审核前一周内支付给aqa 。
" two weeks ago , those two did not want to leave their little hideaway at the bottom of their cage , " sher aqa said , pointing to two monkeys Omar指着两只猴子说: "两周前,我把它们俩放出笼子的时候,它们居然都不愿意出来。
" when the fighting was at its worst , the owner of the zoo locked mardjon up in a basement each night and fed him directly in his mouth , " sher aqa said Omar说: "在战争最激烈的时候,动物园的老板每晚把mardjion锁在地下室,亲自喂它食物才救下了这只狮子的性命。