This problem is discussed from four aspects , information market of village building , industry and labor force transferring , market establishing and free circulation of commodities and small town building . its significance are anally here . the problems of taizhou in these aspects are emphasized and some suggestions are made 论文从农村信息市场的建设、产业化与劳动力转移、开辟农村市场与搞活商品流通、小城镇建设等四个方面来论述,分析了信息、产业化、农村市场开辟和小城镇建设对农村经济发展的重要意义,着重分析了泰州在这几个方面存在的问题并提出了相应的对策。
anallyとは意味:{副} : 〈俗〉どうでもよいことに執着{しゅうちゃく}して He is super anal picky. あいつは目の色変えて重箱の隅をようじでほじくる。