Indications : acute inflammation the affected part is hot , swollen and painful for example , sprain injury of ankle , acute arthritis , gouty arthritis 急性炎症及痛症患处有红肿痛热的徵状,例如:拉伤或扭伤肌肉筋腱或韧带,急性退化性关节炎和痛风症等。
Previous medical history disclosed an episode of acute arthritis of the hands and feet which occurred 3 years earlier ( and terminated spontaneously after a week ) and a normal first pregnancy before starting contraceptive therapy 既往史: 3年前有偶发性手、足关节炎( 1周后自行好转)和用避孕药前的一次正常妊娠。
Articulatory antrum accumulates blood to often also be one of this ill features , reach gambrel with genu the commonnest , acute period joint is swollen , painful , hot , constant but by accident examine is acute arthritis 关节腔积血亦常为本病特征之一,以膝及踝关节最常见,急性期关节肿、痛、热,常可误诊为急性关节炎。