This thesis expatiates the implement principle of acos task management 本论文阐述了acos任务管理的实现原理。
These mechanisms that manage acos task define a set of directives and functions Acos任务的管理机制定义了一系列的指令和函数。
The acos ( ) function returns the arccosine of a number as a numeric value value between 0 and pi radians 函数的作用是:返回一个大小位于0到pi之间的反余弦值。
Acos are recruited locally and they normally enter the service as saco at pay scale of tps pt . 4 to 6 航空通讯员一般从本地招聘,入职级别为见习航空通讯员,薪级属见习职级表第四至六点。
Acos is no other than a real - time operating system which provides a high performance environment for embedded military applications Acos正是为嵌入式军用软件提供高性能运行环境的实时操作系统。
The purpose of task management is to create and allocate and schedule tasks on processor to ensure that deadlines are met Acos任务管理的目的就是在cpu上创建、分派和调度任务,以便确保满足任务死限。
Rms ( rate - monntonic scheduling algorithm ) in acos is an optimal static priority algorithm for scheduling independent , preemptible , periodic tasks Acos中的单调速率调度算法( rms )对于可独立、可抢先调度的周期性任务是一种最佳的静态优先级算法。
These routines test the implement principles and operation directives for acos task management , testify the correctness for acos task management , supplies the theory and test references for acos developer 这些例程对acos的任务管理原理和指令进行了测试,证明了acos进行系统任务管理的正确性,为acos的开发提供了理论和试验依据。
Each acos task is the smallest thread of execution which can compete on its own for system resources , it may exist in one of the folio whig five states : executing , ready , blocked , dormant , non - existent . one or more tasks may be active hi the system simultaneously Acos任务是竞争系统资源的最小执行线程,任务存在于以下五种状态之一:执行、就绪、阻塞、休眠、不存在。一个或更多的任务可能同时活动在系统中。
The first routine tests that acos how to support task running associated with tune using tick . the second routine tests a set of directives and system functions concerned with task management . the third routine tests that task how to occupy cpu via time slice composed of tick , indicates that cpu usage be represented by ticks spent on tasks 第一个例程测试了acos是如何利用滴答来支持与时间相关的运行的;第二个例程测试了一系列的与任务管理相关的指令和系统功能;第三个例程测试了任务是如何通过由滴答组成的时间片来实现对cpu的占用的, cpu的利用率也是通过花费的滴答数来体现。