n. 1.故障,事故,偶发事件;偶然。 2.灾难,灾害,不幸,不测,意外,横祸。 3.附带事件,附属品。 4.【哲学】偶然性 (opp. necessity)。 5.【地质学;地理学】褶皱;起伏,高低。
a happy accident 巧事。 a chapter of accidents 许多不幸;命途多舛。 an aeroplane accident 飞机失事。 a tram accident 电车事故。 accidents of the ground 【地质学;地理学】地表的高低起伏。 by accident 偶然 (opp. on purpose)。 have an accident 遭受意外。 meet with an accident 遭不测。 without accident 平安,无恙。
anything that happens suddenly or by chance without an apparent cause; "winning the lottery was a happy accident"; "the pregnancy was a stroke of bad luck"; "it was due to an accident or fortuity" 同义词:stroke, fortuity, chance event,
an unfortunate mishap; especially one causing damage or injury
accidentとは意味:accident n. 事故, 奇禍; 偶然, めぐり合わせ. 【動詞+】 ◆avoid an accident 事故を避ける ◆The accident was caused by human error. その事故は(人間の)過失で起きた We are trying to establish what caused the accident. 事故の原因を明らかにしようと努めているところです...