song n. 1.歌,声乐,唱歌。 2.歌曲;歌曲集;歌词。 3.诗歌,短诗,抒情诗;韵文。 4.鸟叫声,鸟语。 a folk song 民歌。 a love song 爱情歌曲。 a popular song 流行歌曲。 break [burst forth] into song 唱出。 for a (mere) song=for an old song 非常便宜地,简直等于白送地。 go for a song 贱价抛出。 not worth an old song 毫无价值的,白送也不要的。 nothing to make a song about 〔俚语〕没价值的东西,不值一顾。 sing the song to death 反复唱得腻死人。 song and dance 〔美国〕歌舞表演;〔口语〕(对质问的)解释;演说;空洞的废话;遁词。
A Song is an in-studio album containing the works of American pop star Neil Sedaka. It was released in 1977 on the Elektra label in the US, marking the beginning of Sedaka's association with Elektra, which would run through 1981.