

  • 八开



  • 例句与用法
  • Footwear information ( journal, nationwide, publication, 8vo ) is a specific journal for the footwear manufactrues, which is based on 169 portal and facing the customers not only from south china, but also the whole country . as the purchasing guide for the producing and supplying markets of footwear line, footwear information journals are not only mailed dirctly to the manufacturers all over china, but also sent out just for free in amount of exhibitons of footwear business . it is an extremely ideal option for promotion for manufactures in this industry
  • Footwear information ( journal, nationwide, publication, 8vo ) is a specific journal for the footwear manufactrues, which is based on 169 portal and facing the customers not only from south china, but also the whole country . as the purchasing guide for the producing and supplying markets of footwear line, footwear information journals are not only mailed dirctly to the manufacturers all over china, but also sent out just for free in amount of exhibitons of footwear business . it is an extremely ideal option for promotion for manufactures in this industry
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