以后 after; later on; afterwards; later; hereafter 以后的岁月 afteryears; 自上次写信以后, 我没有接到过他的信。 i have not heard from him since writing last. 至于以后怎样, 我就不知道了 。 i don't know what happened later on
Because the strength of the fa - lime - sulfate system still be developing after 28 days , it ' s proposed that the 60 day ' s or 90 day ' s compressive strength can be used as the strength judgment standard 由于粉煤灰-石灰-硫酸盐混凝土桩成型28天以后,其强度仍有较大的增长,因此结合具体工程条件可采用60天或90天龄期的抗压强度作为混凝土的强度判断依据。