- 购买 purchase
- 委托 entrust; trust; bail; author ...
- 证 prove; verify; demonstrate
- 双联订货单,购买委托书 indent
- 代理委托证书 proxy
- 任务委托证书 mission assignment
- 委托购买 a/= authority to purchase
- 委托购买证 a/authority to purchase; a/p(authority to purchase); authority of purchase; authority to purchase (a/p); authority to purchase(a/p); letter of authority to purchase
- 库拉索委托证券 curacao depositary receipts
- 让与证书,(委托证书) assignment
- 授权证书委托证书 letter of authority
- 购买证, 委托购买证 authority to purchase
- 开放委托购买 open indent
- 商品产地和委托证书 certificate of origin and consignment
- 委托购买证;委购书 authority to purchase
- 保兑不可撤销委托购买证 confirmed irrevocable authority to purchase
- 委托购买暂收款, 预收订货款 advances received in indents
- 委托 entrust; trust; bail; authorize 把此事委托给她办理 trust this matter to her; trust her with this matter; 委托商业部门代销。 commodities can be sold by the commercial departments on a commission basis. 这事就委托你了。 i leave this matter in your hands. 我委托他把 100 英镑存入银行。 i entrusted him with a hundred pounds to take to the bank.; 委托保险 trust insurance; 委托保证金 consignment guarantee money; 委托代表 [书面语] proxy; 委托代理 agency by agreement; entrustment of an agent; 委托店 frippery; commission shop [house; agent; second-hand shop; 委托行 commission shop; commission house; 委托机构 associated agency; 委托加工 placing of state orders with private enterprise for the processing of materials or the manufacture of goods; processing deal; 委托交易行 commission house; 委托金 trustmoney; 委托经销代销 marketing of products of state-owned enterprises by private shops; 委托人 consignor; principal; bailer; party giving the mandate; 委托商店 commission shop; commission house; 委托生产 sub-contract production; 委托书 mandate; certificate of entrustment; letter [power] of attorney; letter of authorization; 委托投票书 proxy statement; 委托销售 sale on commission; sale on consignment; 委托业务 commission business
- 信托证 trust letter
- 购买 purchase; buy; emption 到别处购买 buy elsewhere; 从某人处购买某物 buy from [of] sb.; 购买礼品 gift purchases; 现金购买 ready-money purchase; 他给儿子一些钱购买学校的课本。 he gave his son some money for the purchase of his school books.; 购买袋 [英国] carrier bag; 购买动机 buying motive; 购买价格 purchasing price; 购买款 purchase money; 购买热潮 rush; 购买税 purchase tax; 购买限额 buying quota; 购买欲 desire to buy; desire to purchase; 购买证 authority to purchase; purchasing receipt; 购买中心 shopping center
- 第二托证券 second trust notes
- 股权信托证 voting trust certificate
- 美国存托证 american depository receipt (adr)
- 设备信托证 equipment trust certificate
- 土地信托证 land trust certificate