- 特征 characteristic; trait; featu ...
- 下 below; down; under; undernea ...
- 溢 overflow; spill
- 下溢 underflow
- 阶下溢 exponent underflow
- 栈下溢 stack underflow
- 地下溢洪渠 emissarium
- 堆栈下溢 stack underflow
- 浮点下溢 floating-point underflow; point underflow
- 缓冲区下溢 buffer underflow
- 阶码下溢 characteristic underflow; exponent underflow
- 阶下溢屏蔽 exponent underflow mask
- 阶下溢异常 exponent underflow exception
- 皮下溢血 suggillation
- 算术下溢 arithmetic underflow
- 下溢信号 underflow signal
- 下溢异常 underflow exception
- 下溢指示 underflow indicator
- 下溢中断 interrupt on underflow
- 栈下溢中断 stack underflow interrupt; stack underfolw interrupt
- 特征 characteristic; feature; properties; aspect; trait 地理特征 geographical features; 中国人的特征 characteristics of the chinese
- 浮点下溢故障 floating underflow fault
- 浮点运算下溢 error 206 floating point underflow
- 浮动点下溢自陷 floating underflow trap
- 下溢 底流 潜流 槽下水流 underflow