- trasocean marine paint association
- 泛 float; drift
- 洋 ocean
- 船舶 shipping; boats and ships; v ...
- 油漆 paint; oil colour; lead-and- ...
- 协会 association; society; instit ...
- 美国钢铁结构油漆协会 steel structures painting council
- 结构钢和船舶油漆工 structural steel and ship painter
- 船舶油污险 shioil pollution risks
- 船舶油污损害 oil pollution damage from ships
- 远洋船舶 foreign-going ship; ocean carrier; ocean going vessel; ocean range vessel; ocean vessel; seagoing ship
- 运洋船舶 ocean vessel
- 宝洋船舶公司 boyang shipping co., ltd
- 东洋船舶公司 orient marine co., ltd
- 世洋船舶公司 seyang shipping co., ltd
- 海洋船舶计算方法 fuel oil consumption for transportation shipscalculation method for marine shipsps
- 海洋船舶污染控制 pollution control of ocean ships
- 海洋船舶污染事故 marine pollution accident by ship
- 远洋船舶锚泊区 mooring area for ocean-going vessels
- 泛洋 hironada
- 船舶油污染防治设备 oily bilge separator
- 海洋船舶噪声级规定 regulation on noise levels on board sea-going ships
- 南洋船舶工程有限公司 jns
- 船舶油污损害民事责任的强制保险 compulsory insurance of civil liability for oil pollution damage by ship; compulsoryinsuranceofcivilliabilityforoilpollutiondamagebyship
- 油漆和涂料协会 npca
- 船舶研究协会 ship research association