埋葬 bury 他昨天被埋葬。 he was buried yesterday. 他们把这些牺牲者埋葬在他们阵亡的地方。 they buried the victims where they fell. 埋葬旧世界, 建设新世界。 bury the old world and build a new one.; 埋葬群落 [地质学] taphoco enosis; 埋葬习俗 burial customs; 埋葬制度 burial system
Not to speak of hostels , leperyards , sweating chambers , plaguegraves , their greatest doctors , the o shiels , the o hickeys , the o lees , have sedulously set down the divers methods by which the sick and the relapsed found again health whether the malady had been trembling withering or loose boyconnell flux 5举凡医院麻疯病人收容所蒸汽浴室瘟疫患者埋葬所自不待言,彼等之名医奥希尔家族奥希基家族奥利家族6 ,亦均孜孜不倦制定了能够使病人及旧病复发者康复之种种疗法不论彼等所患为乳毒病痨病抑或痢疾。