- 包涵 excuse; forgive; bear with
- 体 body; part of the body
- 脓 pus
- 溢 overflow; spill
- 新生儿包涵体脓溢 neonatal inclusion blennorrhea
- 包涵体 body inclusion; cytorhyctes; ib; inc b; inclusion bodies; inclusion body; intranuclear inclusions; occlusion body
- body]包涵体 inc b
- 【医学】包涵体。 inclusion body
- 胞浆包涵体 cytoplasmic inclusions
- 包涵体, 小体 cytorrhyctes
- 包涵体,小体 cytoryctes
- 包涵体鼻炎 inclusion-body rhinitis
- 包涵体病 giant cell inclusion disease; inclusion disease
- 包涵体肝炎 inclusion body hepatitis
- 包涵体肌病 inclusion body myopathy
- 包涵体脑炎 inclusion body encephalitis; inclusion encephalitis
- 病毒包涵体 virus inclusion body
- 簿包涵体 viral inclusion body
- 簿核包涵体 viral nuclear inclusion body
- 鸽包涵体病 inclusion disease of pigeons; pigeon inclusion disease
- 核包涵体 nuclear inclusion body
- 核内包涵体 int ranuclear inclusion; intranuclear inclusion; nuclear inclusion
- 甲型包涵体 type a inclusion
- 假包涵体 pseudo-inclusion body
- 口疮包涵体 cytorhyctes aphtharum; cytorrhyctes aphtharum