Modeling the runoff of trihalomethane precursors from soil 土壤中三卤甲烷前驱物质面源负荷估算模型
Total trihalogenmethanes mg l 总三卤甲烷mg l
The formation and control technology of trihalomethanes in drinking water 饮用水中三卤甲烷的形成与控制技术回顾与展望
Residual chlorine reagent can only check residual chlorine , but not trihalogenmethane 馀氯试剂只能检测馀氯,无法检测三卤甲烷含量。
Removing impurity , residual chlorine , organic compound , trihalogenmethane , color and odor 去除杂质馀氯有机化合物三卤甲烷除色除臭
Adding too much chlorine and bromine to disinfect the water can result in creation of potentially harmful trihalomethanes 但氯加多了,也有可能产生偏高的有害物质总三卤甲烷。
Thms , mostly chloroform , are motored in drinking water in many countries including china , japan , and america 氯仿为可疑性致癌物,国内外自来水中均检测到以氯仿为主的三卤甲烷的存在。
Are there bacteria , odor or impurities , trihalogenmethane , pesticides or heavy metal containing in the supplied water 是水中有细菌杂质臭味,还是肉眼看不到的三卤甲烷农药等有机物或重金属呢?
The trihalogenmethane contained by twd supplied water is very low about 1 10 of water quality standard and it is safe to drink without the need of installing filter 真相剖析本处供水三卤甲烷含量相当低约水质标准的1 10 ,不需装滤水器,饮用安全无虞。
Normal tap water has residual chlorine contents of 0 . 2 v 1 . 0 mg l . when dipping residual chlorine reagent , it will reacted with yellow color and is nothing to do with content of trihalogenmethane 正常的自来水馀氯含量介于0 . 21 . 0mg l间,滴入馀氯试剂必然呈黄色反应,与三卤甲烷含量无关。